Passive Fire Protection is one of the three integral components of structural Fire Protection and Fire Safety in a building: Passive, Active and Preventative.
Passive Fire Protection is about containing and slowing the spread of fires through use of Fire-Resistant walls, floors and doors as well as making sure wall and floor penetrations are properly sealed with the correct fire resistant materials. At Passive Solutions Ltd we perform Repairs and Remedial works. Maintenance will be carried out according to specified standards, certified by an Independent Qualified Person (IQP)
Ongoing inspections and maintenance play a crucial role in preserving the condition of Installed Passive Fire Protection Systems within a Fire Cell (Preventative Maintenance).
After Passive Fire Protection has been installed, satisfactorily inspected and given a Code of Compliance Certificate, the building must be maintained so that the Passive Fire Protection can carry on providing its Fire or Smoke separation function within the Fire Cell.
Installations that have been tampered with or damaged during building upgrades and alterations need to be repaired, replaced or reinstated immediately so that life safety and protection of property is restored.
Building Warrant of Fitness Certificates (BWOF) are issued on the condition that a building has been maintained in such a way that it meets the New Zealand Building Code and Regulation Standards deeming the building is safe and safe to occupy.
Heightened Fire Protection Scrutiny Affects Auckland Apartments
The June 2017 Grenfell apartments fire in London, where 80 lives were lost, has heightened Local Authorities awareness of Passive Fire Protection risks in NZ.
In the past buildings in Auckland that have routinely passed a building WOF inspection may now fail due to inadequate Passive Fire Protection.

Because this is an increasingly significant issue for many Auckland Commercial and Residential buildings we are dedicated to providing Passive Fire Protection services.